

Safarnama : Narrativising Railways as a Cultural Text 

The Department of English and Cultural Studies at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore strives to explore diverse areas of research through the annual student-led conference, Melange. 

Melange 2024 titled “Safarnama: Narrativizing Railways as a Cultural Text” was held on March 18, 2024 with the involvement of scholars, industry experts, faculty and students from around the country. Since their advent, railways have played an indispensable role in the development of societies. The conference, staying true to its theme, aided in gaining a holistic understanding of the implications of railways on different facets of the society. From their impact on geo-political dynamics to their role as a wellspring of cultural and literary texts, the multitude of dimensions offered by the railways was explored in earnest over the course of Melange 2024. 

The conference also included an insightful panel discussion on the topic "Indian Railways: Of Experiences and Emotions". The panelists delved into the plethora of challenges and experiences that define the Indian railways. Furthermore, the discussion also revolved around notions of nostalgia, sentimentality and romanticism that pervade the railways. The active participation of the audience allowed for a multi-fold exchange of opinions, insights and knowledge. 

Melange 2024, with its vibrant tapestry of pre-conference events such as film-screenings and a photo-walk to Mysore coupled with the perpectives shared during the conference, was an insightful scholarly endeavour.


Beyond Boundaries: Reading Literature and Culture in a Posthuman Society

Melange 2023 was held in collaboration with The Department of English, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK which aimed at exploring, examining, and articulating posthuman concerns. The conference engaged critically with the eroding boundaries between humans and other species, as well as the resulting precarity and possible degradation or enhancement of humans. Themes and concepts such as ‘Transhumanism’, ‘Critical Humanism’, ‘Organ Harvesting’, ‘Cloning’, ‘Ectogenesis’, ‘Extraterrestrial intervention’, ‘Zombie invasion’, ‘anti-utopian’, and so forth were explored to understand, engage, and contest the posthuman world.

The conference comprised a series of thought-provoking sessions and panels that covered a wide range of topics related to the theme. Scholars presented research papers, case studies, and projects, addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by a posthuman society. The conference also featured distinguished keynote speakers who shared their insights on the conference theme. Their presentations sparked engaging discussions and set the tone for an intellectually stimulating event. 

We held a masterclass on January 16, 2023, as part of the International Conference. It was titled "Reading Literature and Culture in a Posthuman Society" and lasted four hours. The purpose of the masterclass was to provide participants with additional knowledge about posthumanism and the connection between literature and culture in posthumanist societies.  On February 11, 2023, a workshop was held in response, however it did not strictly follow posthumanism. By engaging with various literary and artistic mediums, participants disseminated the information to a wide range of people. Ultimately, the conference took place on March 30, 2023, featuring panel discussions, paper and poster presentations with audio-visual and creative writing.